Historical Documents

Some of the documents listed below may not be fully accessible due to their age, but we include them here for historical accuracy.
This PowerPoint lays out the history of The Arc in a clear and understandable way.
This document explains the general history of The Arc of PA from 1949 to 1990 in some detail.
This timeline outlines some significant positive Legislative and Legal Actions that occurred between 1954 and 2001.
This court document states that people with intellectual disabilities should not be denied access to education. In addition, notice and a due process hearing must occur in order to change the “educational assignment” of a child with an intellectual disability.
Right to Education PA Message 1972
This news article discusses the signing of the above document, “PARC Consent Decree 1972”, which gave people with intellectual disabilities the right to an education.
Right to Education Overview 1994
This document is a historical overview of “Pennsylvania’s Right To Education Task Force System”.
This timeline traces events that occurred up to the final development of the PARC Consent Decree of 1972.
Initial “Commonwealth Plan for Education and Training” of children with intellectual disabilities. This relates to the implementation of the PARC Consent Decree of 1972.
“Commonwealth Plan for Identification, Location, and Evaluation” of children with intellectual disabilities. This relates to the implementation of the PARC Consent Decree of 1972.
Everyday Lives Booklet – This booklet depicts the historical and present situations of people with intellectual disabilities. It also provides stories about real-life people
Legislation to change Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act of 1966 to Mental Health and Intellectual Disability Act of 1966.