Archive News

2023 A&P Day Resources Now Available!
Looking for presenter slides from A&P Day? You can find them here!
Advocacy and Policy Day June 5-6, 2023!
Don't miss it! Registration closes on May 26, 2023.
Action Alert – Tell Governor Shapiro to Fund IDD Services
A unified voice is needed! We have been working with other organizations representing intellectual disability and/or autism (ID/A) providers to send a letter to Governor Josh Shapiro asking him to invest an additional $430 million for IDD services in the 2023/2024...
From the Archives: Meet Loretta Claiborne
"Don't let anybody get you down. We are all given a gift, and it's not how much you have but what you have and how you use it that is important. Get as much out of life as you can." ~Loretta Claiborne From our Archives we have found many articles from the mid 1980s...
From the Archives – “Alternatives to Institutions”
This handwritten speech is from 1974 presented by Eleanor Elkin, Chairman of the "NARC Residential Services and Facilities Committee" at the 3rd Congress of the Caribbean Association on Mental Retardation. [Note: The exact words and language of the speech from 49...
The Arc of Pennsylvania Congratulates Nominees for Cabinet Positions in Governor-Elect Shapiro’s Administration
Harrisburg, Pa (January 11, 2023): The Arc of Pennsylvania congratulates Dr. Val Arkoosh, Dr. Khalid Mumin, Dr. Debra Bogen, and Ms. Nancy Walker for their nominations to Cabinet Positions by Governor-Elect Shapiro. Dr. Val Arkoosh will lead the Department of Human...
Findings from the 2022 Benchmark Compensation Survey
HARRISBURG, Pa. (Jan. 5, 2023) --- Low wages, high vacancy rates, and high turnover continue to plague providers who care for individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism (ID/A), according to a new study that dives deep into the financial trends driving the...
Executive Director Sherri Landis Selected for Shapiro-Davis Transition Advisory Committee
The Arc of Pennsylvania's Executive Director, Sherri Landis, has been appointed by Governor-Elect Josh Shapiro and Lieutenant Governor-Elect Austin Davis to its Health and Human Services Transition Advisory Committee, specifically in the area of Human Services. The...
From the Archives – Families & Caregivers at the Forefront of Advocacy
This 1990 PA Message article found in our archives showcases the powerful advocacy parents and family caregivers do day in and day out! Below is the full text of the article. It's Our First Day of School Together, by Melanie Brozek Stabile PA Message, Winter 1990 That...
Disability Voting and Voter Resources
We've put together the latest and most important resources for the 2022 election.